We went to Creamer's Field for walking this evening. We chose the Farm Road Tail this time -there are 3 trails in Creamer's Field -, and saw lots of migratory birds like cranes and geese. Although it was lightly raining, it was good for us to test our new rainwear. They works very well and comfortable in rain as we expected. We are content with our new gears ,and it was fun to walk with Pug-san.
夕方にCreamer's Fieldへウォーキングに出かけました。三つあるトレイルの内のFarm Road Trailを今回は選び、まあ沢山の鶴や雁などの渡り鳥達を見ました。軽ーく雨が降っていたのだけど、新しい雨具を試すのにちょうどよい具合でした。雨具は、思っていた通りに機能してるし、快適。満足満足。そして、パグさんと歩くのは楽しいね。
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