Mon, Aug 30

  • 23:01  【レビュー】日々の考え "よしもとばななのお姉ちゃんの下ねたでかなり笑わせてもらいました。あの可笑しい話を求めて、三度くらい読んで..." ☆4 #booklog
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Posted at 時刻: 0:03 on 2010/08/31 by | 0 コメント   | Filed under:


When I first came to this Mega super store, the size of shopping cart blew me away. And then, after exploring the whole sale stuff, I was more surprised at the enormous amount of stuff people buy. Some people crammed food, drinks, cans, and kitchenware. They furthermore piled snacks, chips and even cigarettes on that. I don't think Sam's isn't the cheapest store in Fairbanks, but some people buy lots of stuff there. We usually use this store to buy reasonable red wine and sometimes a box of beer. We have looked for the Boboli, one of our favorite pizza crusts, which they used to carry, but we can't find them at all this year. If they decided to stop to carry the Boboli crust, one of the reason we go there is gone... ;(

Posted at 時刻: 22:50 on 2010/08/30 by | 0 コメント   | Filed under:

Sun, Aug 29

  • 15:50  デジタルで6x17サイズのカメラ出てたんですね。。。しかもアダプターつければ色んなメーカーのレンズ使える。欲しいけどバカ高い!!
  • 12:17  欲しい。。。!!
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Sat, Aug 28

  • 00:29  【レビュー】空手道ビジネスマンクラス練馬支部 (講談社文庫) "こっぴどくやられたヤクザにやり返して終わるのかなと、そういう乗りで終わるのだろうと思ってたのだけど、そん..." ☆4 #booklog
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Posted at 時刻: 0:03 on 2010/08/29 by | 0 コメント   | Filed under:


We are very happy that momo-chan looks enjoying her new house and relaxed. She is eating more than last year, and is pooping a lot. A year ago, Momo-chan started to sleep on my bed laying her head on my arm. Since then, she learned that sleeping on people armpit is pretty comfortable, and the spot is now one of her favorites. Although she looks she still loves sitting or laying on human's stomach or thigh, I find her sleeping under my armpit when I wake up.

Posted at 時刻: 21:41 on 2010/08/27 by | 0 コメント   | Filed under:

Wed, Aug 25

  • 14:38  「悩みにもいろいろあるが、生死に関わらないものほどつらいものだ。そして原則として本人にしか解決はできない」吉本ばなな
  • 14:22  【レビュー】ぼくはアメリカを学んだ (岩波ジュニア新書) "強い。生命の強さと知的好奇心の強さを兼ね備えている、そしてこの文章から推し量られる彼の"朴訥さ"が、ぐり..." ☆5 #booklog
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Posted at 時刻: 0:03 on 2010/08/26 by | 0 コメント   | Filed under:

Sun, Aug 22

  • 22:54  "若い人々は、「就職とは会社員になることでなく、自分の関心ある分野へ勇気をもって進むこと」と考えてほしいのだ。" (本多信一)"
  • 22:51  これうちの大学のホッケーチームのオフィシャルOP映像らしいけど、大丈夫?爆破したりしてるけど。。。でもなかなか良い出来じゃないですか(笑。
  • 22:48  頑張ってる!!
  • 21:08  「続センチメンタルな旅」だったか、「写真への旅」だったか忘れたけど、アラーキーの実家の住所が台東区三ノ輪柳下フラワーマンションだった(昨年の自分のメモによる)。うーん、この辺りよく写真撮りに行った所だぁ。
  • 09:17  去年のキリマンジャロプロジェクトの様子。八戸さんがいるなぁー。
  • 09:15  吉川さんのキリマンジャロでのプロジェクトのサイト。明日には吉川さんキリマンジャロへ出発の模様。
  • 00:05  感性を刺激するとは、普段見ているものが違って見えることによって起こりうる。よって、白黒写真が何故よく見えるか。その答えもここにある。普段見ている我々の世界は色で覆われているが、その色がすべて白から黒の諧調に変換されて提示されているのだ。ということを昨年の12月暮れに考えた様だ。
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Posted at 時刻: 0:03 on 2010/08/23 by | 0 コメント   | Filed under:

Sat, Aug 21

  • 23:41  【レビュー】戦場でワルツを 完全版 [DVD] "FLASHの映像が、カクカクとしてる感じなのに下手ウマ的効果?!で惹き付けられるし、人間のイマジネーショ..." ☆5 #booklog
  • 23:32  【レビュー】東京漂流 "東京に住んでいるくせに、東京を蚊帳の外から眺めていますよ的なニュアンスが匂いっぱなし。楽しめないなら住む..." ☆2 #booklog
  • 23:15  「忘れっぽいことは問題じゃないんです。忘れることが問題なんです」村上春樹
  • 10:53  TunnelMan Final Epsiode 5, filming start!!
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Posted at 時刻: 0:03 on 2010/08/22 by | 0 コメント   | Filed under:

Fri, Aug 20

  • 13:48  温暖化と騒いでますなぁ、相変わらず。そして、その騒ぎが国家戦略や経済成長と結びつけられてしまう、人間ってそういう風にしか考えられないのかねぇ。。。「日本の北極海戦略描く時だ」の記事
  • 13:42  「3D旋風 邦画にも」の記事
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Posted at 時刻: 0:03 on 2010/08/21 by | 0 コメント   | Filed under:

Thu, Aug 19

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Posted at 時刻: 0:03 on 2010/08/20 by | 0 コメント   | Filed under:

Wed, Aug 18

  • 19:04  Fairbanks Daily News-Miner - Climate changes noted in small village may model future Alaska via @AddThis
  • 00:33  【レビュー】東海道の宿—水口屋ものがたり (1978年)... "2010年の日本滞在でお世話になった小平のおばちゃん宅にあった本。 清水の次郎長の話は、作者の思い入れ..." ☆3 #booklog
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Posted at 時刻: 0:03 on 2010/08/19 by | 0 コメント   | Filed under:

Tue, Aug 17

  • 21:48  【レビュー】嗤う伊右衛門 (角川文庫) "四谷怪談の有名なお話の事とは知らずに読みましたが、うーむ、怖いです。生きている"人間"というものが怖いも..." ☆4 #booklog
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Posted at 時刻: 0:03 on 2010/08/18 by | 0 コメント   | Filed under:

a green caterpillar

During taking a nap while Pug-san picked blueberry, I found a green caterpillar on my knees. Crawling along on my knee, I wonder where he is heading. Lifting up and lowering his head by turns, he is searching for somewhere peaceful, I think. Summer season in Alaska is very short, so you had better to do hurry up your way. I gently move him onto a shade of a rock beside me. Stepping forward while feeling around the ground with his hands seems steadfast. I saw his walk of life somehow envious. I don't know he is gonna be a butterfly or moth, I hope he will find a restful place to live.

Posted at 時刻: 21:41 on 2010/08/17 by | 0 コメント   | Filed under:

Sun, Aug 15

  • 23:15  「何気なく見ているこの風景だって、ただ在るものが見えているって訳じゃないんだ。この景色は、僕達の脳が拾ったり捨てたり組み合わせたりして必死で再構成した映像なのだ」京極夏彦
  • 23:12  「 "老・病・死をかかえこんだ髑髏にいのちの衣をきせたのが「生」というものであるならば、ひとときまとうその衣は、出来得れば美しくたおやかでありたい。」或る有徳の女性仏教者
  • 23:07  【レビュー】神秘家列伝〈其ノ壱〉 (角川ソフィア文庫) "水木先生好きなんですよ。日本では、ゲゲゲの女房で大ブームだったみたいだけどさ。背景をカリカリ、ガリガリと..." ☆5 #booklog
  • 22:52  【レビュー】陰陽師生成り姫 (文春文庫) "どんどんオモシロく積み重なっていくこのシリーズ。好きだなぁ、軽くて。" ☆4 #booklog
  • 11:44  Kentucky family travels to Alaska on bicycle built for 5 - | Alaska's news and information source | via @AddThi
  • 11:36  Fairbanks Daily News-Miner - entry Kentucky family of five reaches town on one bike via @AddThis
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Posted at 時刻: 0:03 on 2010/08/16 by | 0 コメント   | Filed under:

blueberry picking second

Today was totally blue sky -it was the hottest day in this August, I believe. It hit to 91F!! -. The weather urged Pug-san on going outside and blueberry picking again. Honestly, I am not a big fun of blueberry, therefore I'd rather not go again. However, she insisted she would go even alone, so I couldnu't but hike with her because she might bump into a bear - if it happens, I can not do anything for her though... -. We hiked the same trail as yesterday, but chose west side of Granite Tors. That was a good choice because we easily found highbush blueberry in 15 minutes after we started to walk. There were so many bushes heavily laden with blueberries that it's hard for us to decide the spot where we gather blueberry. 30 minutes hike lead us the foot of a mountain where we found some rocks with moss. She finally decided this spot was suitable to pick berries, so she started picking. At the same time, I started to take a nap as yesterday. I found a baby black spruce (the above picture) on the rock I sit. It's an apparent evidence that the vegetation is changing after a wild fire. I am fond of this baby spruce and feel cheerful somehow.

Posted at 時刻: 21:51 on 2010/08/15 by | 0 コメント   | Filed under:

Sat, Aug 14

  • 23:55  【レビュー】陰陽師 鳳凰ノ巻 (文春文庫) "このシリーズのせいで、辞典で"呪"を調べた。けど、"しゅ"ではなく"じゅ"という読みでの意味しかない。ち..." ☆3 #booklog
  • 23:45  【レビュー】陰陽師—飛天ノ巻 (文春文庫) "軽くて好きだなぁ、陰陽師シリーズ。安倍晴明が熱く"呪"について博雅に語っているのは、夢枕さんが読者に送る..." ☆4 #booklog
  • 01:28  tomorrow, no, today, we are going to pick up blueberries. I have to go to the bed....
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Posted at 時刻: 0:03 on by | 0 コメント   | Filed under:

blueberry picking

We went on a short hike to pick blueberry. Along the Granite Tors trail, we found bunch of berries crowded together on the ground as exactly Brooke-chan, a wife of Masa-san, told to us. While Pug-san were picking, I enjoyed taking a nap under summer sunshine. I think she picked over 1 gallons of berries during two hours. Although the berries look a little bit late to pick - actually they remind me of raisin -, Pug- san seems to be satisfied.

Posted at 時刻: 22:58 on 2010/08/14 by | 0 コメント   | Filed under:

living in a new apartment

I am now living in a new apartment owned by "Masa-san", one of my close Japanese friends. He bought this house recently and offered us (Pug-san, Momo-chan and I) to stay when I had been in Japan. In Fairbanks, it is difficult to find a cozy apartment that allows you to live with some kind of pets like dogs and cats - Fish and small reptiles are fine, I believe -. So, his offer was indeed a timely offer, actually it was even more, a heaven-sent offer. Because I had to fly to some local places immediately after I arrived in Fairbanks, I hadn't had enough time to put our house in order. Only recently, we are done. Now we are spending fully relaxed time.

Posted at 時刻: 1:09 on by | 0 コメント   | Filed under:

Fri, Aug 13

  • 14:30  「実はあらかじめ敷かれているレールなどないのだ、というのが僕の考えです。皆はあたかも人生はこんなものだ、と誰かの手ですでに敷かれているレールがあると思い込んでいるだけで、自分の意思でレールを敷こうとしていないのです」周防 正行
  • 14:17  【レビュー】心の整理が上手な人・下手な人—人生を元気にす... "最初の何十ページを読んで飽きたが、著者の体験に基づいた人生訓に感ずる所もある。" ☆3 #booklog
  • 13:20  「今度こそ 今度こそとて ご臨終」
  • 12:45  The word "fu-lo-kku(フロック)in Japanese" means fluke in English. Too far from the pronunciation in english.
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Posted at 時刻: 0:03 on by | 0 コメント   | Filed under:

Thu, Aug 12

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Posted at 時刻: 0:03 on 2010/08/13 by | 0 コメント   | Filed under:

Wed, Aug 11

  • 23:59  【レビュー】陰陽師(おんみょうじ) (文春文庫) "好きなシリーズの第1集。第1集だけに、まだ足下がおぼつかない感じの乗りではあるけど、"鬼"にスマートに対..." ☆3 #booklog
  • 23:07  【レビュー】東京サイテー生活—家賃月2万円以下の人々 (... "おそらくバブル絶頂の頃に、東京の激安バカ安アパートに住んでいた(主にどっかの田舎から上京してきたであろう..." ☆2 #booklog
  • 22:38  but we are borrowing this wireless internet service from our landlord. maybe tomorrow, we hope we can have our own.
  • 21:58  My new apartment is cozy place to live.
  • 21:23  【レビュー】崖の上のポニョ [DVD] "ストーリーもアニメーションもひどい出来。ジブリ至上最低だと思う。なぜこれが日本で売れまくったのだろう?不..." ☆1 #booklog
  • 18:23  now I'm an administrator of the mixi community "The university of Alaska Fairbanks".
  • 00:39  finally almost done... sleepy now.
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Posted at 時刻: 0:03 on 2010/08/12 by | 0 コメント   | Filed under:

Fri, Aug 06

  • 11:48  now I am doing library research related to "Ice Cellar".
  • 11:46  came back to Fairbanks from Valdez on 3 August.
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Posted at 時刻: 1:01 on 2010/08/07 by | 0 コメント   | Filed under: